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Lamberts Castle Circular Walk
...Starting at the national trust car park, taking in the Iron Age fort of Lamberts Castle with stunning views of the surrounding countryside...
Start Point:
6 Miles
3 Hours
Lamberts Castle National Trust Car Park, Marshwood, Bridport EX13 5UW
1. Go through the gate and turn right towards stand
of trees ahead. Pass to right of second stand of
trees and keep straight ahead over bank. Turn
left along grassy path. Before hedge and tree line
take left-hand fork towards top of hill, cross bank
again and turn right past footpath marker. Cross
another bank ahead.
2. Turn right here down track towards pylon.
Emerge on to road and go straight ahead for 40
yards and turn left into road signposted
Whitchurch. Follow this road past house on left
through gate on right of road ahead (bridleway
sign). Follow path on side of hill through gorse
bushes. Keep to path on right of tree line and go
through gate ahead and straight on. At barn
and house ahead, go through gate on left
and along drive to gate on right (bridleway
marker). Through this gate follow the lefthand hedge to gate on road. Go through
gate and turn left on to Long Lane.
3. Follow downhill to a road junction and turn
right (signposted Wootton Fitzpaine) and follow
road into village. About two hundred yards past
the church signpost on the right go left through
second gate on the left (footpath sign). Follow
road through grounds for thirty yards, turn right
over stile and follow path to stile ahead. Cross
stile, keep straight and then through kissing gate
on right, following left-hand hedge across
footbridge. Cross field bearing slightly left to stile
in corner. Follow path between houses and turn
right onto road, over bridge and cross stile on left
(marked Liberty Trail and Wessex Ridgeway).
4. Cross stile to gap in hedge at top of field. Cross
stile here and turn right and follow right-hand
hedge through gap and round field edge to gate
ahead. Over stile or through gate and turn left
and follow left-hand hedge before crossing to
gate and stile in hedge on right ahead.
5. Go straight across next field to gate (Liberty &
Wessex signs), turn right up bank and then
diagonally right across field through gate on
road. Turn left on road and left again down Great
Coombe Farm drive, which leads into track just
past the farmyard. Follow this through gate and
uphill (bridleway marker) for 15 to 20 minutes to
top of hill and along to road complex at foot of
Lamberts Castle. Go straight on to National Trust
sign and turn left down road gradually climbing
uphill. At top of hill turn right through wooden
gate marked “Lamberts” and follow footpath
(marked) to car park track. Turn right for car